
Greetings, beloved in Christ. How do you start your day? My day begins with my alarm clock going off, and then I wake myself up enough to begin my daily prayers and devotions, and my prayers and devotions always begin with thanksgiving. It is a gift and a privilege to wake up every morning, and I try not to take that gift for granted and I give thanks for it.

Secondly, I pray for the Episcopal Church in Colorado. I pray for this church every single day, and then I pray for those for whom my prayers have been asked. This morning, I specifically prayed for our presiding bishop who is undergoing surgery. I prayed for him, for his surgeons, for successful surgery and a rapid recovery. I invite you to add your prayers for our presiding bishop to your daily prayer routine as his health is paramount and I hope that he recovers well. He has served us faithfully and I hope that he will be well.

I also prayed today in thanksgiving for our newest missioners. The Northwest region has been served faithfully by Dr. Nancy Kinney, and she stepped down from being regional missioner in August. I am grateful for her service and I’m equally grateful that the Reverend Wendy Huber has decided to step up as missioner in the Northwest region. I know that she will not only serve the region well, but she will serve the entire church with the care and precision that she is known for.

I am also going to give thanks for the Reverend Rich Munsell who has served as missioner in the Sangre de Cristo region. Rich is stepping down as regional missioner as of our convention in October, and I am excited to welcome Ms. Deborah Lowery, who has served as a faithful lay participant in the region and has taken on the role of regional missioner in the Sangre de Cristo region. This summer while I was on vacation, you got to hear about the work that our missioners do, and I am excited to welcome these new missioners, and I am grateful for their willingness to serve, and I know we will be blessed by them.

My morning devotions continue as I study the scripture for the day, and then I end with a prayer that God would guide me in all things, that God would be in my heart and be in my mind as I seek to serve you, the people of the Episcopal Church of Colorado.

I hope that you know how blessed you are on this day. I hope that you know that we have a Christ who says that he will be with us always. I hope that you find ways to give thanks and to offer intercessions for our world and for our church, and I wish you all blessings.