
Greetings, beloved in Christ. I am excited because in two weeks we will be gathering as the Episcopal Church in Colorado for our annual convention. It is always a joy for me when representatives from all of our regions gather together as one body, one church. I am so thrilled and looking forward to being with all of those delegates, all of those exhibitors, everybody who represents the Episcopal Church in Colorado as we gather in Grand Junction.

This week, we are continuing our policy of having workshops for everyone, not just for those who are delegates to convention, but we have a series of amazing virtual workshops that you can participate in. Registration is really simple. You go to the Episcopal Church in Colorado’s website, you click Diocesan Resources, you find the tab that says 136th Annual Convention, and click on that. You will see the array of workshops that will be taking place this Saturday. We will be covering a host of ministry topics, from hospitality to pilgrimage as a form of formation and ministry. You are welcome to attend any or as many as you’d like.

I hope that you will take advantage of this. These workshops are being put on by passionate folks who care about these ministries from all over our church, and they want to share those gifts with you. I hope that you will take part in these workshops. I will, and I look forward to us gathering in Grand Junction. Blessings.