Toward Hope Survey

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about your Toward Hope experience. We invite your candid feedback. The survey will take 5-15 minutes to complete.

Toward Hope was a faith-deepening experience for me.
Toward Hope gave me practices for cultivating love and awe for creation.
Toward Hope gave me practices for leaning into ecological grief.
Toward Hope helped me embrace my agency around care of creation.
After participating in Toward Hope, I feel more grounded in hope for the future.
I was able to fully participate in Toward Hope (engaged in "committed work").

Rate the Various Elements of Toward Hope

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest, how meaningful to you were the following elements of your Toward Hope experience?
Opening Worship on Global Day of Prayer for Creation
Weekly Gatherings - Large-Group Time
Weekly Small-Group Time
Weekly Reflections in Canvas (Committed Work)
Going Deeper (Optional) Materials
Morning Devotions & Compline (Weekly Prayer Services)