The Rev. Brian Winter

Why do you feel called to serve the Church as a Deputy to General Convention?

I have been a deputy for General Convention multiple times and each time I understand more about the process and can dig deeper into the issues presented. This coming GC we will be electing a new Presiding Bishop and after calling Presiding Bishop Michael Curry 9 years ago, I am praying for another amazing candidate to replace him. Those will be big shoes to fill. We have made some amazing progress over the years as the Episcopal Church, and I feel called to continue to serve in this capacity and work for and with the people of Colorado.

What life experiences and/or training can you offer as a resource to the Church?

As a photojournalist for over 12 years before going into ordained ministry, I have been trained as an observer and am always asking who, what, where, why, and when. As a father of two and husband of 32 plus years, I have the life experiences I think are necessary and important for this ministry. I can bring one clear viewpoint to join together with my fellow deputies who will also bring their unique backgrounds for the better of the church.

Describe your ministries, participation and experience in the Episcopal Church.

As a priest, Regional Missioner for the High Plains Region and a lifelong Episcopalian, I know the church in the parish setting, diocesan setting, and national setting. And as a returning deputy I have the knowledge of past General Conventions to bring to the table and share my history and learnings.

What aspects of our corporate life or issues facing the Church today hold particular interest or importance to you?

Wow, there are so many, but continuing our study and examination into the social wrongs of our church such as our role in starting, running, and encouraging the Indigenous population to send their children to the Residential Schools, as well as our poor track record of racial discrimination are so very important right now. We also have a lot to do in the areas of Evangelism and close to my heart is Christian Formation, not just for our children and youth, but life-long learning and formation in the church.

How will your participation as part of the deputation enhance the life, mission and ministry of our diocese?

I hope and pray each day I am enhancing the life, mission and ministry of our diocese, that is what I have been called and ordained to do. As a deputy, I will continue to reach out and share the findings, rulings and new understandings of the Episcopal Church as they come through, and will do my best to continue to share in the life of this church in ways I feel I can do my best at and where I or the church feel I am called to.