Erica Pomerenk

Why do you feel called to serve the Church as a Deputy to General Convention?

In 2006 I attended my third General Convention by participating in the Young Adult Festival at General Convention. Having been present at parts of two prior General Conventions, I had already developed a love for the community that General Convention is and builds. I had been a visitor in these conventions, but during this convention [2006], God spoke to me. God filled my heart with the love for the hard work General Convention does. I experienced the Holy Spirit at work in this large, diverse community.

Having served as an Alternate Deputy and a Deputy for the past 5 conventions, I still find my passion for shaping our common life together as strong as it has always been. God continues to call me to this work, especially as we face new, ever shifting dynamics that have and will continue to change our common life together.

What life experiences and/or training can you offer as a resource to the Church?

As a Flight Attendant, I daily work with people in all stages of life. I experience humanity in one of its most vulnerable places and try to help those I meet feel valued, safe and respected. I strive to help all of my passengers have the best experience possible, even when in the midst of very difficult situations. Throughout my careers, I have often served people in vulnerable walks of life. Within this vocation of caring for those in times of stress or need, it is a call to help provide a safe space and to walk with them in love. This translates to work within the Church as well;

  • To listen respectfully to each other and to the Holy Spirit
  • to pray,
  • To help the Episcopal Church reach those in need, and to walk in love with all
  • To handle difficult conversations with love and compassion, without compromising the rights of marginalized people.

Describe your ministries, participation and experience in the Episcopal Church.

  • I have attended eight General Conventions- three as a visitor; as a child of a Deputy, a Volunteer with the Y2K4JC event, and a participant in the Young Adult Festival. I have served as a Deputy and an Alternate Deputy for five conventions.
  • I serve as a Board Member for Cathedral Ridge
  • I served as a youth minister for fifteen years
  • I have been a delegate to several Annual Conventions
  • I have served as a vestry member
  • Having met my husband at General Convention, we together built a working relationship between the Colorado and California General Convention Deputations
  • I am a cradle Episcopalian in the Episcopal Church in Colorado, but have worked and met with many other leaders around the Church
  • I served on the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations for the past triennium
  • I was a member of legislative committee #13: Committees and Commissions for the 80th General Convention

What aspects of our corporate life or issues facing the Church today hold particular interest or importance to you?

I have a very strong interest in social justice and how we as a Church address the many social justice concerns in our world. This includes how vital it is for the Church to be truth-tellers; to examine our history and work for Racial Reconciliation and Justice.

As a member of the Committee on Committees, there were a number of requests for committees to be formed or continued. It was wonderful to read all the amazing work that was done during the past triennium, and yet there is still so much to do. It was good work, but hard, as we thought about how these requests would work in this short two years, or “Mini-ennium”, between conventions and what the best recommendation was for each of these requests. As the structure in our corporate life changes, some by need and some by choice, we will continue to see other important work but determine how best to complete it in the interim time. I have a great interest in how our church changes as our society changes.

How will your participation as part of the deputation enhance the life, mission and ministry of our diocese?

EWe have had wonderful deputations for the past several conventions and they continue to build on each other with how we serve our diocese. If elected, I will work with our deputation to help lift up new leaders and to try to find a way to better incorporate our churches into the work that is done at General Convention, to make it more real to those at home so that those in our parishes may have a better connection to the broader, international church.