The Rev. Matt Holcombe

Why do you feel called to serve the Church as a Deputy to General Convention?

I previously served as a Lay Deputy in 2000 and Clergy Deputy in 2022 and believe that General Convention is one of the few places you can witness and participate in “The Church” reorganizing, renewing, and reorder itself (which is both exciting and a privledge). I’m also reminded that when a priest is ordained the Bishop addresses the ordinand (BCP Pg. 531) and says, “Now you are called to work as a pastor, priest, and teacher, together with your bishop and fellow presbyters, and to take your share in the councils of the Church.” For me, at this stage of my vocation, there isn’t a better way to serve God’s Church and live out my ordination vows than to represent St. Michael’s Colorado Springs and The Diocese of Colorado as a Clergy Deputy at General Convention 2024.

What life experiences and/or training can you offer as a resource to the Church?

As a life-long Episcopal I’ve been actively involved in The Episcopal Church my entire life. From acolyting as a child – to being an Episcopal Camp counselor as a teenager – to being involved as a lay youth group leader in my 20’s – to being ordained. One could say The Episcopal Church is in my DNA. As an ordained priest, I’ve served in a variety roles that I feel have equipped me to serve the broader church. I have served as the Board Chair of Invite-Welcome-Connect for three years, hosted national conversations on evangelism, led multiple international pilgrimages (Isreal, Turkey, Greece, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Uganda, Guatemal, and Haiti) and several justice pilgrimages to Montegomery and Selma Alabama. I’ve served on Diocesan Committees that have included the Pastoral Response & Disciplinary Team, Formation Committee, and Clergy Conference Design Team. I am also well versed in what it takes to support small, medium, and large congregations and have helped lead several vestry retreats. I’m currently leading one of the fasting growing Episcopal Churches in the Dicoese and feel I may have some assets and skills that could be a resource for the Church.

Describe your ministries, participation and experience in the Episcopal Church.

(See Answer 2)

What aspects of our corporate life or issues facing the Church today hold particular interest or importance to you?

I most interested in seeing how The Episcopal Church will use the pandemic to pivot the ways we can evangelize, grow our churches, and leveraging the momentum and best practices that have yielded results. I’m also interested in seeing how The Episcopal Church can be more faithful followers of Jesus and asking, “How is what we are doing helping people deepen their relationship with God, the world, our neighbors, and ourself?” I’m also interested and committed to the justice work we’ve begun as a Church and how we can continue to care for one another and our world.

How will your participation as part of the deputation enhance the life, mission and ministry of our diocese?

It would be my hope that my presence at the 2024 General Convention would benefit the Diocese because I am a faithful and committed follower of Christ that believes in what The Episcopal Church represents. Similarly to the 2022 General Convention, I would share my experience with the Diocese, work with the deputation and our Bishop to provided a united voice on important topics, and faithfully carryout my duties as a deputy. I’ve also volunteered to participate on several working committees to prepare for the 2024 General Convention and would hope to represent the Diocese of Colorado in that capacity as well.