Lay Pastoral Leader Retreat

May 15, 2021

Welcome to the Lay Pastoral Leader Retreat with our The Rev. Mark Andrew Jefferson, Ph.D. Mark is the Assistant Professor of Homiletics (Preaching) and the Associate Director of the Deep Calls to Deep Preaching Program at Virginia Theological Seminary. This gathering has been created for you by the Office of the Bishop to support your ministry as a Lay Pastoral Leader. We invite you to set aside Saturday, December 11 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm as a time for learning and conversation, prayer and worship, as well as reflection, rest and meditation.The topics for this retreat will be on “Finding your Voice as Preacher.”

We will explore the following topics:

  1.  The Imagination and Identity of the Preacher
  2. The Context for Preaching
  3. The Mechanics of Preaching

This webpage is your retreat space and includes live Zoom links for you to join in our gatherings throughout our time together.  Click each of the expandable sections below to join the conversations and prayer times. Break times are intentionally offered throughout the day so that we can all have time away from our screens and mobile devices.  Feel free to explore the options given in the schedule for activities involving physical movement and reflection.

Getting Ready

Here are some tips to help you have an inspiring and fulfilling our time together:

  • Plan for this to be a time with your colleagues, the Canon for Missional Advancement & Congregational Vitality, and our presenter.
  • Find a comfortable location, free from distractions, to participate.
  • Add a candle and sacred object(s).
  • Use the free-time sessions for any of the suggested activities.

Morning Prayer, 9 am to 9:15 am

Join Gathering via Zoom
Click here to join by computer or device >
Passcode: 099078
Dial in: 669.900.6833 or 346.248.7799
Meeting ID:  892 8543 8162

Conversation with Mark Jefferson – Part I
9:15 am -10:45 am

Led by The Rev. Dr. Mark Jefferson 

Dr. Jefferson will discussing The Imagination and Identity of the Preacher

Take a Break 10:45 am to 11:00 am

Conversation with Mark Jefferson – Part II
11:00 am -12:30 pm

Join Gathering via Zoom
Click here to join by computer or device>
Password: 099078
Dial in: 669.900.6833 or 346.248.7799
Meeting ID: 892 8543 8162

Conversation with Mark Jefferson – Part II
11:00 am -12:30 pm

Led by The Rev. Dr. Mark Jefferson 

Dr. Jefferson will discussing “The Context for Preaching”

Take a Break 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm

Join Gathering via Zoom
Click here to join by computer or device>
Password: 099078
Dial in: 669.900.6833 or 346.248.7799
Meeting ID: 892 8543 8162

Finding balance and refreshment are essential to sustaining your life and ministry.  What is it that you most love to do?  What enlivens and delights you? Today you are encouraged to enjoy space and time to care for yourself – body, mind and spirit.  Consider getting away from your screen and going outdoors for an activity that lifts your spirit.  This can be a time of exploration and discovery, finding a way to recharge and renew today.  Find the perfect spot to settle in with that book you have been wanting to read, just for pleasure.  Take a nap. Listen to music, or play an instrument. Try a new recipe, or spend some time crafting (see suggestions below). What will be most healing and nurturing for you today?

Mindful Movement: Self-guided.

You are encouraged to choose a solitary activity that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit.  Consider leaving your computer and taking time for a physical activity you love.  Walking, stretching, working out, going for a bike ride, or gardening are all options.  Get outdoors and enjoy fresh air and the change to clear your mind.

Guided Walking Meditation: Pilgrimage-in-place, or Walking as Spiritual Companionship.  What is supposed to happen on a pilgrimage, and what makes for a successful pilgrimage? Knowing or understanding these things, can a pilgrimage happen on a walk from your home to the grocery store? Or the post office?  Or just meandering around our neighborhood? Go for a walk. Go a different direction. Go somewhere you don’t normally go.  Go for the sake of going. Pay attention to what you are seeing. Pray as you walk along.

Hands-on Crafts to Express your Creative Side

If you enjoy crafts as a way to relax and reflect, try one of these simple but beautiful projects using items you can find nearby.  Completed crafts can be taken with you into your ministry and will serve as a reminder of this time.

Conversation with Dr. Mark Jefferson – Part III

Dr. Jefferson will discuss The Mechanics of Preaching

Join Gathering via Zoom
Click here to join by computer or device>
Password: 099078
Dial in: 669.900.6833 or 346.248.7799
Meeting ID: 892 8543 8162