Wellness for Clergy



Sustaining Ministry: Foundations and Practices for Serving Faithfully, Sondra Wheeler, Baker Academic, 2017. This book provides clergy with helpful tools that integrate clergy self-care and pastoral ethics and provides wisdom and insights for the church’s ministry and its ministers. This book is fitting for Clergy and Clergy Peer Group reflection.

Buy the Book Here.


Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction or Companionship is a practice of working with a someone trained to accompany you in your journey of faith and ministry. It is a reflective practice, focused on listening for the presence and movement of the sacred or holy in your life and ministry. Working with a spiritual director can be a good complement to working with a counselor or therapist. Bishop Kym asks all Clergy to engage a spiritual director and Lay Leaders are encouraged to consider this as well.

Spiritual Direction Colorado (SDCO)

Spiritual Direction Colorado provides a list of Spiritual Directors as a resource to people throughout the state of Colorado and beyond. SDCO offers a free searchable database of spiritual directors across Colorado: Click Here for Spiritual Direction Colorado

Spiritual Directors International (SDI)

Are you seeking a spiritual director to work with? Locating and interviewing a spiritual director can be an important support in your spiritual journey. To help you find a spiritual companion, SDI has created a free searchable database to help you locate and reach out to one of the 6000 spiritual companions: Click Here for Spiritual Directors International