Front Range Region Convocation

Saturday, September 7, 2024, 9:00-11:00 am

Zoom information will be sent via email to all registered clergy, delegates and alternates.

The 5 RegionalĀ Convocations will take place on a single day, beginning via Zoom at 9:00 am together in a combined diocesan-wide online convocationĀ meeting with Bishopā€™s reflection and budget presentation, followed by individual and separate regionalĀ convocationĀ gatherings and elections from 10:00 to 11:00 am.

9:00 am Diocesan-Wide Convocation Zoom meeting:Ā

10:00 am Regional Convocations ROOM 3: Front Range Region

Candidates for Front Range Region Clergy and Lay Representatives to the Executive Committee

This year we will be electing Front Range Executive Committee members. We will be electing one Clergy representative and one Lay representative each to a three year term. For more information about what being on the Executive Committee entails, please contact our Regional Missioner Balfour Patterson at

Because of the nature of the Zoom Convocation, we will not be accepting nominations from the floor this year. Elections will take place via online at Convocation on Saturday, September 7.

To see the current Executive Committee, please click here >

Clergy Representative Candidate

The Rev. Janine Schenone

Janine arrived in May of 2024 to begin serving as the rector of St. Johnā€™s in Boulder. Previously, she served as the rector of Good Samaritan Episcopal Church in San Diego for eight years, where she also served on the diocesan Executive Council, Standing Committee, Bishop Search Committee, and Advocacy Committee. Before that, she served for two and a half years as the Senior Associate for Congregational Development at All Saints Church in Pasadena, CA. Janine enjoys hiking, cycling, playing the piano, reading, and exploring the state of Colorado, especially its mountains.

Lay Representative Candidate

Jan Friedlund, St Paul’s Fort Collins

Some of us claim to be cradle Episcopalians and Jan adds being a gypsy Episcopalian, having worshipped in and served her beloved church in many places around the country. That includes serving on the vestry in 3 churches and senior warden in 2 of them. Her background includes being a non-traditional student, graduating at the age of 46 from the University of Denver College of Law with a masterā€™s degree that combined law and public administration. She was Division Manager of the US District Court in Tucson AZ and moved to Jackson WY to become the County Manager of Teton County, retiring for the first time in 2009.
She joined her late husband as a law firm consultant and then founder and principal of Elder Law College. As a failure at retirement, she is currently working in an administrative position at CSU and loving it. After moving to Fort Collins to be with her family, she settled into St. Paulā€™s and has been honored to serve as senior warden and a member of the 301 Faith Partnership leadership team. Jan’s hobbies include watercolor painting, reading, walking, and hanging out with her wonderful son and his wife and two amazing adult grandchildren.

2024 Convocation Agenda:

– 9:00 am Opening Prayer & Welcome ā€“ Canon Jon (3 min)
– Bishopā€™s Talk ā€“ Bishop Kym (12-15 min)
– Budget presentation and Q&A ā€“ Nancy Jones (15 min)
– Cathedral Ridge and YES Videos ā€“ (12 min)
– Resolution and Legislation and Q&A ā€“ The Rev. Wendy Huber (10 min)
– Closing Prayer / Dismissal ā€“ Canon Jon (2 min)
Each Region goes to separate Zooms (not breakouts from the general meeting that is held from 9:00 to 10:00 am)

Front Range Region will in be in Room 3 beginning at 10:00 am

– 10:00 am Opening Prayer & Welcome ā€“ Missioner Bal Patterson
– 2024 Grant Highlights
– 2025 Executive Committee Candidate Acceptance and Vote
– 2025 Budget Presentation and Acceptance

Front Range Regional Financial Reports

To Review, click on the links below:

FRR Proposed 2025 Budget

FRR 2024 Financials, August YTD

FRR 2023 Financials

Diocesan Financial Information for Convention

Highlights from the 2025 Proposed Budget for the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado will be presented during convocation.

2024 Grants Awarded

2024 Grants Reports

Click Links To Read Each Report:

St. Johns Pantry 2024 Grant Report

Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry 2024 Grant Report

Holy Companion (Sterling Ranch Church Plant) 2024 Grant Report

Trinity Greeley Children’s Ministry Grant Report 2024

St. Brigit Grant Report 2024

2025 Grant Information

For information about the granting guidelines and process click: