Administration & Finance Resources

Administration & Finance Handbook

The Office of the Bishop staff is pleased to release the 2025 Administration and Finance Handbook. The goal of this handbook is to provide one document with clear and concise explanations and resources. Some of the items included are Clergy compensation information, guide to Clergy and Lay Benefits, Lay professional compensation information, human resource information, Church management and oversight resources, tax and other IRS information, and many other resources that would be helpful for Treasurers, Bookkeepers, Parish Administrators, and almost any parish leader. The goal is to provide an updated version on a quarterly basis each year. Please take the time to review this handbook and pass it along to other staff and leaders in your parish. This handbook will always be a living document. If you have any suggestions for next year’s handbook, please contact the Canon for Mission & Operations, the Rev. Jon Anderson at

Administration & Finance End-of-Year Checklist

The Office of the Bishop has provided a helpful checklist of administrative and financial tasks to be done before the end of the year and also for the beginning of the upcoming year. Clergy and Wardens will find this list helpful, however, most of the check list is intended primarily for Treasurers. We ask that you please pass this onto your Treasurer or the appropriate people. If you have any questions, contact Pam Greenfield at

Compensation and Benefits

Housing Allowance

Sample resolution and letter for Housing Allowance

Retirement Planning

For information about clergy pensions and lay retirement plans, visit the Church Pension Group’s web site at

Compensation Changes for Clergy and Lay Employees

Colorado FAMLI Law

Since January 1, 2023, All churches must be registered with the Colorado FAMLI portal and quarterly putting money into the Colorado FAMLI portal.  Beginning January 1, 2024, individuals can apply for FAMLI funds.  This is the Link to all information regarding the use of the Colorado FAMLI Law.  You can contact Dianne Draper or Pam Greenfield in the Office of the Bishop with questions.

Health and Dental Insurance 2025 –

Anthem Health Insurance Plans

Kaiser Permanente Health Insurance Plans

Delta Dental Plans

Employee Assistance Program, Health Advocate and Oakes Trust application Resources

Health Savings Plan Information

Church Management and Oversight

Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs
“Lessons from a Rookie Treasurer” – From ECF Vital Practices / Finance & Administrations

Insurance Requirements
Property & Casualty Insurance – Risk Management
For more information about Property and Casualty Insurance, visit the the Property and Casualty page of the Church Pension Group website.

For audit guidelines and reporting requirements, please see Reporting to the Diocese.

General Policies Regarding Clergy Sabbaticals – From the Commission on Ministry

Parish Bylaws & Articles of Incorporation Templates

Parish Bylaws Template: Please note that this template is for Parishes only. Special Congregations and Missions should contact the Rev. Canon Jon Anderson at for guidance. PDF | Word

Articles of Incorporation Template: PDF

Clergy Discretionary Funds

There is a lot of confusion and misinformation concerning the proper use of Clergy Discretionary Funds among leaders in the Church. It is one of the most common areas of clergy misconduct.  We have outlined some best practices and requirements for Clergy Discretionary Funds to inform and protect churches and clergy. Please take the time to review them and make corrections in your church as needed. For questions about Clergy Discretionary Funds, please contact the Canon for Missional Advancement and Congregational Vitality.

Clergy Discretionary Fund Expectations

IRS Information and Links

The Tax Exempt Certificate  for The Episcopal Diocese of Colorado

Many of the IRS Forms you will need for your church are available on the IRS web site.

Trusts and Endowments

Diocesan Trusts and Endowments offer grants in many areas, from covering health care expenses, to funding specific kinds of ministry, to clergy assistance for auto purchases.

Learn more and apply for grants

Church Property Decisions

Major decisions related to church property (including leases, cell phone tower leases, sale, and property secured loans) must be approved by the diocesan Standing Committee. If you have questions about this process or are considering something that will require approval, contact Scott Asper and the Property Advisory Committee,

Application to Alienate Church Property
Application to Encumber Church Property

Church Building Use Agreement Template