Policies for Ministry

The Episcopal Church in Colorado has developed policies to provide directions to various ministries. A policy is based on the legal framework of the area in which it is relevant, and hence in most cases, it is legally binding. Policies play a crucial role in the performance of those who carry out our ministry, both clergy and lay, and are developed under the auspices of the Office of the Bishop. The policies established by the Episcopal Church in Colorado provide the basic framework for effective and efficient ministry within State and Federal law, as well as Church Canons, and without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or political affiliation.

Written policies can prevent chaos, confusion, and legal problems. Policies provide less chance that the administrator or executive director will make an illogical, irrational, or possibly even an illegal decision. Such decisions may disrupt ministry, employee relations, and workplace harmony, and, potentially, run afoul of government and agency regulations. A policy is a definite course or method of action to guide and determine present and future decisions. Policies are usually based upon accepted, well-defined norms/standards of practice. Norms/standards are needed to establish consistency; expectations and patterns for practice. Norms/standards articulate what is done, who is served, and what services and resources are needed. In addition, standards provide a benchmark for quality measurement and improvement.

It is the expectation of the Episcopal Church in Colorado that all policies will be followed to the best of the ability for each leader and ministry. Exceptions to any policy, or portion of a policy, will only be granted by the Bishop in consultation with the Standing Committee. No exceptions will be granted if any laws would be broken by such an exception.

If you wish to make a comment or suggestion, please contact the Canon for Mission & Operations at the Office of the Bishop at 303.837.1173.

Requests for Assistance from the Chancellor for the Episcopal Church in Colorado

Policy on Church Insurance for the Episcopal Church in Colorado


The Episcopal Church in Colorado Constitution & Canons

Constitution & Canons for the Episcopal Church

Clergy Disciplinary Process / Title IV Information

To learn about the Clergy Disciplinary Policy under Title IV in the Canons of the Episcopal Church, Click Here.

Policy and Definition of Sexual Misconduct

Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth & Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults

The Episcopal Church in Colorado has adopted policies for parish ministry with children or youth and with vulnerable adults. The Bishop and Standing Committee have mandated that every parish must adopt and implement these policies. If you have questions regarding them, please contact Tracy Methe at Tracy@EpiscopalColorado.org

Follow the links below to download the policies or supplemental materials (a document with many recommended forms).

Policy for the Protection of Children & Youth
Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults
Supplements (Word Document)

Communications Policies

Congregation or Ministry Communications Policy

Photo and Video Media Policy

Permission for Remarriage

Title I, Canon 19 of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church provides provision for divorced persons to remarry in the Episcopal Church. Clergy must complete an application and return it to the Office of the Bishop at least 60 days prior to the possible Remarriage date. Please send all Remarriage Applications to Dianne Draper at Dianne@EpiscopalColorado.org. Please include the words “Remarriage Application” in the email subject line. For more information about this process, please contact Dianne Draper at Dianne@EpiscopalColorado.org.

Marriage Guidelines

Remarriage Application September 2023

Sabbatical Policy

General Policies Regarding Clergy Sabbaticals – From the Commission on Ministry

Becoming Licensed to Officiate in Colorado

Diocese of Colorado Clergy Licensed to Officiate Policy

Diocesan Institutions

Application to the Standing Committee for board members appointments

Compensation and Health Insurance Policies

Please visit the Finance and Administration Resources for Congregations page for resources.