High Plains Region Convocation

Saturday, September 7, 2024, 9:00-11:00 am

Zoom information will be sent via email to all registered clergy, delegates and alternates.

The 5 Regional Convocations will take place on a single day, beginning via Zoom at 9:00 am together in a combined diocesan-wide online convocation meeting with Bishop’s reflection and budget presentation, followed by individual and separate regional convocation gatherings and elections from 10:00 to 11:00 am.

9:00 am Diocesan-Wide Convocation Zoom meeting:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81274383914

10:00 am Regional Convocations ROOM 3: Front Range Region https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88124685569

2024 High Plains Region Agenda

  • Missioners Welcome & Gratitude for Pledges and Support

  • Introduction of Executive Committee

  • Welcome of New Clergy

  • Standing Committee Update

  • Gratitude for Rev. Kate Bradsen’s service to SC

  • Election for High Plains Region

    • Introduction and Explanation of Online Voting

    • Candidates for Election

      • Clergy Member and Representative to Standing Committee –  Rev. Chris Ditzenberger
      • Lay member to Executive Committee – Trevor Hart
  • Grant presentations

    • Christ’s Episcopal Church Back Pack Ministry
    • St. Stephen’s Summer Children’s Ministry
    • Holy Companion Episcopal Community
  • High Plains Region Financial Report and Proposed 2025 Budget

  • Benediction and Blessing

2024 Financial Reports

2024 Convocation Financial Report
HPR 8.2024 Balance Sheet
HPR P&L Act vs Bud 9.4.2024

2024 Candidate for Lay Representative to the High Plains Region Executive Committee

Trevor Hart – Lay Leader Christ’s Episcopal Church

After being appointed to the Executive Committee, I am excited to stand for a full term as an elected member. I look forward to participating in the continued growth of the High Plains Region to be more than a grant making body, as important as that is, to more fully implement our strategic vision. A key element of this vision is supporting both existing congregations and “church plantings”.

During my term on the Executive Committee, my goals will include providing pastoral support and leadership development though workshops and other training events; coordinating mission events with multiple congregations; and encouraging contact between lay leadership.

I am a member of Christ’s Episcopal Church in Castle Rock. I am currently responsible for coordinating lay involvement in liturgy.

I have recently retired from running an environmental consulting firm. My hobbies include music, reading, gardening, hiking, and, most importantly, spending time with our granddaughters, Sofie (9) and Juliet (4).

2024 Candidate for Clergy Representative to the Standing Committee and HPR Executive Committee

Rev. Chris Ditzenberger