Youth Ministry

The following is the vision for Youth Ministry in the Episcopal Church in Colorado formed by youth leaders from around the diocese.

When our young people leave home and make their way in the world, we want them to feel home at any Episcopal Church. For that to happen, we recognize that their faith journey cannot be formed by one congregation alone. Collectively, we will support and encourage participation in local youth groups or parish ministries (where youth can learn how the values of faith in their own community), in diocesan offered retreats and missions (where youth can explore their faith together in a safe, peer influenced community), and in Episcopal summer camp at Cathedral Ridge (where youth can grow and play in faith in a setting that is set apart for them). We believe that these three areas are all intertwined and that each is vital for fully formed faith in our young people.

Diocesan Opportunities for Youth

Quest Youth Retreats

Quest youth retreats are organized by the Episcopal Church in Colorado and are designed to provide spiritual growth and community building for young people. These retreats are youth-planned and youth-run. They focus on faith exploration, personal reflection, and developing deeper relationships with God and others. Fall Quest is open to all 6th-12th grade students and is hosted at Cathedral Ridge. The Spring lock-in is also for all 6th-12th grade students and is hosted at various churches throughout the diocese. ย Though open to all ages, these retreats ensure relevant and engaging experiences for all participants. For more detailed information, you can visit the Quest Youth Retreats page.

Youth Council (YOCO)

The Youth Council (YOCO) was formed as a way to offer youth a greater voice and participation in the planning and execution of their own ministry. YOCO allows us to draw from the energy and talent of our young people and provide leadership opportunities and training during the high school experience as it applies to youth ministry and community building. Youth apply to be on YOCO and serve for one full year. For more detailed information, you can visit the YOCO page.

Young Episcopalians in Service (YES)

YES Trips and Events are organized by the Episcopal Church in Colorado offering youth opportunities to participate in service work and pilgrimages where they explore and discover their faith. These trips are designed to cultivate a spirit of community steeped in the exploration of self, the world around them, who God is, and what faith can look like in their lives. Through both service and pilgrimage experiences, youth explore how God can be found in the world around them. Participants engage in service activities, social justice education, and teamwork/leadership skill building, all while making a positive impact on the communities they serve. On pilgrimage, youth engage in the themes of leadership, adventure & creation, or community. Pilgrimages are offered in a rotating cycle of these three areas. YES Trips provides youth a variety of experiences to lean into the work and life of Christ. For more detailed information, you can visit the YES Trips page.

Formation Resources for Youth

What resources have you tried and want to recommend? We would love for you to share them here. To include your suggestions, email us at

Pinterest Boards – Follow Us!

Search Faith Formation Episcopal Colorado and click Follow. We have boards for:

  • Prayer life
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Fun resources
  • Icebreakers
  • Crafts and games
  • Lent and Advent

…for both children and youth.

Have your own Pins you would like to see included? Please share them with us at!

Prayer Life

d365 is an online devotional for young people. Each day uses a format of Pause, Listen, Think, Pray, Go, which provides daily scripture readings, and reflection. Users can subscribe through email or download the app. The format is succinct and engaging, start-to-finish requires about five minutes.

Call On Me: A Prayer Book for Young People is a thin volume of prayers for all occasions, written especially for youth.

The Work of the People is a library of videos from various theologians. The excellent collection can be used by individuals or groups. The work includes both videos with guided reflection and without. Memberships start as low as $7 a month and is well worth the money.

Confirmation –ย Suggested Resources for Youth Confirmation Classes

I Will With Godโ€™s Help

This is a six-session series, but can be made into twelve. This program has an easy-to-use, easy-to-lead format. It comes with a leader’s guide and a guide for adults, youth, and mentors. The program emphasizes that confirmation is a personal choice and isnโ€™t something that should be forced on anyone. It also does a nice job of using baptism as grounding, but emphasizes that baptism is in itself a complete sacrament. It shows that confirmation is a deepening and not a graduation.

My Faith, My Life

This is also a great resource that can be made into a six or ten session program. It suggests doing a retreat with the six-session option. This material seems better suited to a leader who is willing to spend more time with the curriculum and may want to tailor it more. There is a website companion, but not a youth journal. It also stresses baptism and explains that confirmation is not the graduation. It does, however, use language that feels like confirmation is expected of everyone in the church.

Like this resource but don’t have the time or capacity to lead a class? With permission, the Fatih Formation Office has created a four-week intensive course based on My Faith, My Life. This is a course open to all youth in the diocese and is held online. For more information contact Elizabeth Cervasio.

Faithful Questions

This makes an excellent companion resource. Youth aren’t always comfortable asking questions about faith and this resource asks the questions and considers responses from multiple angles.

Call on Me

This is a book of prayers written especially for youth. It can be used as a personal prayer book or a prayer resource in a group.

About Confirmation in the Episcopal Church in Colorado

For more information about confirmation, visit the Diocesan Confirmation Page.

Youth Leadership

Cultivating Teen Leadership Skills

How can you develop teen leadership skills as a regular part of youth ministry? Developing Teen Leadership by Dan Appleman is an easy-to-read, practical guide for youth leaders and volunteers. It is broken down into two main sections, Guiding Principles and Techniques, and includes a section on Topics to consider such as working with troubled teens and taking care of yourself. Highly recommended!

Youth Council YOCO

Each year youth are invited to apply to be on the youth council. Youth serve for one year and have the opportunity to not only give their voice to their ministries, but lean important leadership skills at the same time. ย For more information check out the YOCO page.

Book Resources and Curricula Recommendations

This three-volume book is full of wonderful everyday liturgies that can be used on their own or with a group. They make a great resource and a wonderful present for seniors. They are available in hardcover, pocket size, audio, or ebook.

Prayers for the People

This awesome book is full of collects described by the author as “things we didn’t know we could say to God”. Help your youth reimagine the way they pray with this fun collection from Terry J. Stokes.

From Burned Out to Beloved

This book is a perfect read for youth leaders who are headed toward burn out. Absolutely worth the read before you get to the point of no return.

What did we miss? Let us know your favorite resources so we can pass them on to others. Send your recommendations to Elizabeth Cervasio.