Godly Play

What is Godly Play?

Godly Play is based on the understanding of children’s innate sense of the presence of God. Its approach helps children explore their faith through story, to gain religious language, and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play method serves children through early, middle and late childhood and beyond.

Godly Play sessions follow the liturgical flow of Eucharist, with children crossing the threshold into sacred space, engaging in scripture in the form of multisensorial stories, exploring the meaning of the story in their own lives, and sharing a feast.

Godly Play is widely used in the Episcopal Church in Colorado. If you are new to Godly Play, or want to know if it’s right for you, Missioner Elizabeth Cervasio can help answer your questions and connect with others across the state with established classrooms.

What’s new?

Curriculum Updates

The Godly Play Foundation has been working on revisions and new content for its eight-volume curriculum. Currently, the expanded editions of volumes 2-4 are available. Wondering what’s new? Check out all of the amazing resources and ideas at the Godly Play website. The revised edition can be ordered from Godly Play Resources.

Lessons for the Home

Five lessons for the home are now being offered to help families engage in stories and find meaning together: Creation, The Story of Advent, The Parable of the Good Shepherd, The Faces of Easter, and Knowing Jesus in  New Way. These “minis” can be purchased through the Godly Play Resources.

New in 2018 is the book Stories of God at Home by Jerome Berryman. The book is written specifically for families and encourages families to find ways their lives intersect with the story of God.

Response time

Do you have response time every week? Just occasionally? Response time is children’s opportunity to continue wondering and engage the creative process beyond what words can convey. Godly Play mentors are always looking for new response materials. Response Materials that Grow with Children provides an excellent list of possibilities and also helps remind us why we do response time, what role we play, and the general principles for doing it well.


Training will significantly increase the effectiveness of classroom teachers, both storytellers and doorpersons. Currently there are no trainings scheduled for Colorado. For a complete list of upcoming classes around the country, visit the Godly Play Foundation.