Faith-Deepening and Leadership-Building Offerings

There are many ways beyond Zoom to gather and grow as the Body of Christ. Virtual and Hybrid Offerings include ready-made experiences as we follow Jesus today. Virtual means that an event is entirely online. Hybrid can mean a combination of in-person and online, and also include both synchronous (online, in-person) and asynchronous (on your own time) components. Faith Formation, Caffeinated Church, and many other Office of the Bishop offerings are created to support both seekers and leaders in faith and ministry.

We hope that having all offerings listed on one page will make it easier for you to see the many inspiring events and experiences on the horizon. The majority of these events are being offered by the Office of the Bishop; however, you will also find events hosted by Spiritual Direction Colorado and other diocesan institutions. Listings include information about registration and people to contact for more information.

If you would like assistance in creating new kinds of gatherings, contact the Rev. Canon Greg Foraker at, Tracy Methe at, or Canon Mike Orr at

Schedule of Offerings

July and August 2024

August 9-11 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Denver.ย We are excited to offer this formational opportunity for people wishing to go deeper in their Godly Play practice. Core Training is the most comprehensive training on Godly Play methods and theology and is recommended for all adults leading Godly Play sessions. Over the course of three days, participants will experience all aspects of Godly Play and begin to become fluent in the Godly Play core stories and fundamental practices. Core training follows an action/reflection model of learning with a mixture of trainer-led presentations and participant storytelling presentations. This training is being underwritten by the Episcopal Church in Colorado and offered at a discount to diocesan participants.

Register Now >

Join the Conversation: Restoring Where We Live, Work, and Play

Diocesan-wide book discussion. Meets July 23, August 6, and August 20, 12:00-1:00 pm, via Zoom. For anyone wishing to restore native biodiversity and conserve natural resources at home, church, or in the wider community. Using the book Suburbitat to guide us, we will discuss strategies for establishing and managing native landscapes, including grasses, shrubs, and flowers, that help to reduce demands on dwindling water supplies while restoring natural habitat. We will also discuss human obstacles to conservation and strategies for working with rather than eradicating wildlife. Attend one, two, or all three sessions. Financial assistance available for purchasing book. Attend one, two, or all three sessions.

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July 27, 9:00-1:00 pm, at Grace & St. Stephen’s, Colorado Springs. We will cover the four Safe Church, Safe Communities Universal Training courses required for anyone needing to take Safe Church training and looking for group conversation and sharing around these important topics: Introduction & Theological Background, Organizational Rules & Polices, Healthy Boundaries, and Inclusion.

The training is appropriate for individuals needing to obtain or renew certification in these courses. Note: Depending on your ministry area, additional courses may be required, which can be taken online at any time. Questions? Reach out toย Missioner Tracy Methe.

Register Now >

October 2024

Eucharistic Visitor Training is entirely online and self-paced, with two sessions via Zoom. Here is an overview of the course and time commitment:

  • Course orientation (via Zoom) on Tuesday, October 1, 6:30-7:00 pm: 30 minutes
  • Safe Church training: approximately 2.5 hours
  • Four Eucharistic Visitor training modules, each with a video presentation (60 minutes each)
  • Wrap-up session (via Zoom), Saturday, October 26, 10:00-11:30 am. This is an opportunity to discuss what you have learned, go over possible scenarios, and ask questions: 90 minutes (mandatory)
  • A bibliography of suggested reading for ongoing learning (optional)

We look forward to supporting you as you participate in this training, and we welcome any questions you may have. Please reach out to Tracy Methe, 720.677.9016.

Register now >

At Cathedral Ridge Camp and Retreat Center, Woodland Park, CO. Themes for our annual retreat this October center around restoration: of our landscape, water, and farming practices. Participants will learn what they can do to help mitigate climate change and take steps to restore ecological integrity right where they live. This will be a time of learning, collaboration, prayer, and delighting in God’s amazing creation. As part of the Abound series of retreats, the per person cost is just $50. All lodging, meals, and retreat materials are included.

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Save the date! ย This fall’s Quest youth retreat will take place October 25-27 at Cathedral Ridge Camp and Retreat Center in Woodland Park, CO.

More information coming soon!

March & April 2025

Theย popularย annual diocesan-wide Journey to Confirmation course prepares people for confirmation or reception in the Episcopal Church, or reaffirmation of their baptismal vows. Thisย four-week plunge into our Episcopal beliefs, traditions, and practicesย is a timeย that combinesย  faith-deepening personalย prayer, study, andย reflectionย withย rich conversationsย and sharing with participants from across the diocese, preparing each participant for the next steps in their journey of faith. All are welcome. Especially appropriate for congregations with a small number of candidates or without the capacity to offer a confirmation course on their own. Mark your calendars now.

Registration opens here January 2025.

Ongoing Offerings

What are your hopes and dreams for your congregation? How will you equip and empower vestry members to be stewards of your church and spiritual leaders of your congregation? Vestry 101 is a completely online course based on the Vestry Resource Guide, a thorough, high-quality training resource and reference manual that helps vestries become Christ-centered, mission-focused teams. The online Vestry 101 course also includes supplemental resources for formation and prayer, and information and resources specific to the Episcopal Church in Colorado. The Canvas learning system provides easy, centralized access to all course materials. Online discussions allow vestry members to reflect on material together and share experience and ideas. Individual vestries determine which modules they would like to take and a training schedule that best meets their needs. Interested vestries should submit one online registration listing the names and email addresses for each vestry member. Reach out to Tracy Methe for more information.

This six-week course is designed for both seekers and people wishing to engage their faith in new ways. Participants are invited into a time of discovery, wondering, and delving deeper. Discover consists of six 75-minute sessions in person or via Zoom and approximately 30 minutes of prework leading up to each session. The flow of each session includes sharing spiritual autobiographies, engaging in scripture though lectio divina, and a time for prayer. For people new to the faith and beginning to explore the sacrament of baptism, this course may be followed by Embrace, the second of three courses that help prepare individuals to be knit into the body of Christ through baptism. To learn more about offering Discover for your congregation, reach out to the Rev. Canon Greg Foraker or Tracy Methe.

Each of us has a unique part to play in the life of the church and in the life of our communities. In engaging in life and ministry, we are living into our baptismal covenant, seeking and serving Christ in all persons and respecting the dignity of every human being. The new Safe Church, Safe Communities curriculum will help equip you for ministry as a children or youth volunteer, lay or clergy staff person, or church lay leader. Summer is a great time to complete training, which currently is entirely online and self-paced. Register now and we will send you everything you need to get started, either renewing your Safe Church certification or taking training for the first time. Contact Tracy Methe with any questions you might have.

Register for Online Safe Church Training Now >
Visit Safe Church Web Page >

Each month the Formation Team for the Episcopal Church in Colorado shares 5 things we have discovered to inspire your life and grow your ministry. We invite you to share these ideas with friends and colleagues near and far! This easy-to-read and digest e-newsletter is sent out the second Tuesday of each month.