About Embrace

You’ve started going to church, or maybe you’ve been a regular church-goer for years. You have a lot of questions though, especially about some of the unique ways the Episcopal Church does things. Why do we have a Book of Common Prayer? Why do we worship the way we do and what does it all mean? How do I read the Bible, and what is this talk about a three-legged stool?

During the six weeks of Embrace, you will come to a deeper understanding of the Episcopal tradition, our liturgy, and our common life in prayer. It is an open forum for asking questions and for deepening your relationship with others on this journey into the life of the church. Study of scripture and prayer are central to each session. Brief video teachings provide personal insight into the themes of Embrace:

  • Following our Ancestors
  • Experiencing the Books
  • Bound in Prayer
  • Discerning Choices
  • Celebrating God’s Presence
  • Witnessing the Sacred

Embrace can serve as a continuation of Discover, or it can stand alone as a course for those wishing to be confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church.

What does an Embrace group look like?

There are two types of Embrace groups:

  • Groups that gather and interact on-line
  • Groups that gather in person

Groups are made up of 6-8 individuals with two mentors, whose role it is to listen, guide, and encourage.

Whatย does a typical session of Embrace look like?

Each session lasts 60 minutes and follows a predictable flow.ย The structure is simple and flexible, allowing groups to move at their own pace and explore areas they feel led to enter into more deeply.

Typical flow:

  • The Episcopal Way (~10 minutes)
    Brief, provocative video “sharings” from clergy and lay leaders around the state will help you cross the threshold into your time together as well as provide themes for discussion during the session and the week ahead.
  • Bible study (~40 minutes)
    During Bible study, you will come close to the story of God and the teachings of Jesus, and make connections for your daily life, your relationships, and your understandingย of God’s love for all. We use the method of “aural Bible study,” which helps individuals learn to listen to scripture and to each other in new ways. You will begin to understand that scripture can help you articulate your own struggles and listen to how God might be inviting you to change.
  • Prayer (~10 minutes)
    Each session closes in prayer. You will pray for each other, with each person praying for the person to the right or left and continuing to pray for that person until the next gathering.

Is there any “homework”?

You will be invited to continue interacting between gatherings via on-line discussions posted by the group’s mentors. You will also be able to use discussions to ask questions and share reflections and experiences.

Groups meeting in person may also choose to use on-line discussions to “continue the conversation” and go deeper. This is up to each individual group.

What are the expectations?

  • Participation in gatherings and on-line discussions
  • A willingness to go deeper
  • Questions!
  • Being open to transformation
  • Honoring each member of your group

For more information, to start an Embrace group at your church, or to see if there is an on-line cohort available, contact the Faith Formation team at Faith@EpiscopalColorado.org.