Supply Clergy

Supply Clergy provide occasional liturgical leadership and support for congregations (e.g. when clergy may be away on vacation or study leave, or during short-term intervals when there is a vacancy in a church). This support is limited to preaching and celebrating on Sunday or designated weekday services. It does not include leading Christian formation, on-going pastoral care, or administrative duties. This is to avoid confusion about the role of supply clergy in the church. If supply clergy service extends beyond a two-month period or requires duties beyond liturgical support and preaching, please contact The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass, Canon for Transition and Wellness

Supply Clergy have indicated their availability for supply but others may also be available. Congregations and clerics should make arrangements and negotiate compensation directly, based on compensation guidelines passed at Diocesan Convention.

In addition:

  • Clergy must have a current Safe Church certificate on file in the Bishop’s Office documenting completion of all required trainings before being added to the Supply list.
  • Clergy in charge of congregations should consult the Licensing Requirements for Clergy in the Episcopal Church in Colorado before calling clergy who are not canonically resident in our diocese.
  • Contact Dianne Draper ( when hiring supply or “assisting” clergy who are not canonically resident to ensure their License to Officiate is current.

2025 Customary Rates of Reimbursement

For congregations that would find it difficult to implement the new rate all at once, the new base may be established over the next two years. For example, the rate could be increased to $200 for 2024 and then the remainder of the increase for 2025.

Request Supply Clergy:

The Supply Clergy list is available through the Church Leadership Newsletter that is sent to Clergy, Wardens, Lay Pastoral Leaders, and Administrators. If you have questions or would like a PDF of the most recent Supply Clergy list, please contact Dianne Draper at You may reach out directly via this method to clergy in your area, or you may request a message be sent to clergy in your region via the following form:

Request To Be Added To The Supply Clergy List:

If you are a clergy person, click the button below if you would like to be added to the Supply Clergy list. Clergy who are Canonically resident in Colorado, must have a current Safe Church certificate on file.  Clergy who would like to be Licensed to Officiate in Colorado, please contact Dianne Draper at for information on that process.