Southwest Region Executive Committee Members

AliceMarie Slaven-Emond

Lay Representative to the Executive Committee (term expires 2026)

St Luke’s, Delta
Office 970-964-7740

Gretchen Davis

Lay Representative to the Executive Committee (term expires 2026)

St. Matthew’s, Grand Junction

Chip Page

St. Matthew’s, Grand Junction

Cathie Elliott

Lay Representative to the Executive Committee (term expires 2027)

Good Samaritan, Gunnison

The Rev. Wren Blessing

Clergy Representative to the Executive Committee (term expires 2026)

St. Patrick’s, Pagosa Springs

The Rev. Teri Shecter

Missioner to the Southwest Region


Missi Stone, SW Region Administrator

Candidate Standing for Executive Committee Election

Courtney Ashmore

A cradle Episcopalian, I grew up in Northern Virginia and lived there until 2 years ago when my husband, Tim, and I moved to Durango, Colorado. We have 2 children, a daughter, Lynn, who is living in Raleigh, NC and a son, Spencer, who is living in Murfreesboro, TN and a 15-year-old mutt named Bindy. The Episcopal church has always been a foundation in my life; I’ve served on vestries, sung in choirs, taught Sunday school, VBS and youth group, coordinated fellowship events and more! Currently, I am a member of St. Mark’s, Durango serving as the Junior Warden; I also sing in the choir and am a member of the pastoral care committee. Professionally, I’ve worked in HR for over 25 years and currently I am the Director of Benefits and Administration for Copper River Shared Services; we support the Copper River Family of Companies who is owned by the Native Village of Eyak, a Federally recognized Alaska Native Tribe. I love the mix of supporting our employees and tribe, mentoring my team and being a strategic partner within the company. Outside of work and church, I sing in multiple community groups and spend time enjoying Colorado.