Northwest Region Calendar


Executive Committee Regularly Scheduled Meetings
Zoom links will be sent prior to meetings

  • April 16, Zoom Noon Meeting Purpose: Check-in/ General Discussion
  • July 30, Zoom Noon Meeting Purpose: Budget Review/ Approval prior to Regional Conovcation
  • October 15, Zoom Noon Meeting Purpose: Regional Grant Review 2

Clericus Meetings 2024
All meetings by Zoom except where noted

  • February 8 12-1:30 pm
  • April 24 12-1:30 pm
  • June 12 Clericus Luncheon with Bishop Kym Location TBD- Who would like to host?
  • August 15 12-1:30 pm December 5 12-1:30 pm
**All active priests in the diocese are expected to be present.
* All active deacons in the diocese are expected to be present.
Important Dates
  • March 9, Deacon Ordinations, 10:00 am, at St. Johnโ€™s Cathedral, Denver
  • April 29-May 1, Clergy Gathering**
  • June 15, Northwest Regional Confirmation, location TBD
  • August 10, Draft budget posted for convocation reviews
  • August 17, Northwest Convocation, 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Online.
  • August 19, Deadline for delegate designation to Annual Convention
  • August 19, Deadline for submission of legislation and resolutions
  • September 3, Final budget posted for delegate review to Annual Convention
  • September 3, Deadline for exhibitor booth registration for Annual Convention
  • September 14, Priesthood Ordinations, 10:00 am, at St. Timothy’s, Centennial
  • September 28, Budget Hearing
  • October 3-5 or October 10-12, Diocesan Annual Convention.
    • The weekend will be chosen depending on the CSU Football schedule to be announced in March 2024. Our Fort Collins hotel location and the room blocks are confirmed with the dates dependent on the football schedule, which we will confirm in March.