High Plains Region Congregations

Map of Region

Christ Episcopal Church
2950 S. University Blvd., Denver, CO 80210
303-758-3674  www.christchurchdenver.org

Christ’s Episcopal Church
615 Fourth St., Castle Rock, CO 80104
303-688-5185  www.christsepiscopalchurch.org

Church of the Ascension
600 Gilpin St., Denver, CO 80218
303-388-5978  www.ascensiondenver.org

Epiphany Episcopal Church
100 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO 80206
303-321-0813  www.epiphanydenver.org

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
8545 E. Dry Creek Rd., Centennial, CO 80112
303-740-2688  www.gshep.org

Holy Companion Episcopal Church
Sterling Ranch, CO

Intercession Episcopal Church
3101 E. 100th Ave., Thornton, CO 80229
303-451-8085  intercessionepiscopalchurch.org

Peace in Christ Episcopal-Lutheran Ministry  
236 Tabor St., Elizabeth, CO 80107
303-646-6528  www.peaceinchristelm.org

Prince of Peace Episcopal Church
201 Phelps St., Sterling, CO 80751
970-522-0539  www.princeofpeacesterling.com

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
2015 Glenarm St., Denver, CO 80205
303-296-1712  www.standrewdenver.org

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
1280 Vine St., Denver, CO 80206
303-388-6469  www.stbdenver.org

St. Bede Episcopal Chapel
2201 S. University Blvd., Denver, CO 80210

St. Charles the Martyr Episcopal Church
505 E. 8th Ave., Ft. Morgan, CO 80701
970-867-6228  www.saintcharlesfm.org

St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church
76 S. 3rd Ave., Brighton, CO 80601
303-659-2648  www.stelizabethsco.org

St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church
6190 E. Quincy Ave., Cherry Hills Village, CO 80111
303-771-1063  www.stgabriels.org

St. John’s Cathedral
1350 Washington St., Denver, CO 80203
303-831-7115  www.sjcathedral.org

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
1270 Poplar St., Denver, CO 80220
303-355-2331  www.stlukesdenver.org

St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church
4740 S. Buckley Rd., Aurora, CO 80015
303-680-6376  www.stmartinsaurora.org

St. Mary Magdalene Equal to the Apostles
126 W. 2nd Avenue, Denver, CO 80223

St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
19580 Pilgrims Place, Parker, CO 80138
303-841-0121  www.matthewinparker.com

St. Michael & All Angels’ Episcopal Church
1400 S. University Blvd., Denver, CO 80210
303-777-5181  www.saintmichaelsdenver.org

St. Philip-in-the-Field Episcopal Church
397 S. Perry Park Rd., Sedalia, CO 80135
303-688-5444  www.stphilipinthefield.org

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
1 Del Mar Cir., Aurora, CO 80011
303-364-3186  www.ststephensaurora.org

St. Thomas Episcopal Church
2201 Dexter St., Denver, CO 80207
303-388-4395  www.saintthomasdenver.org

St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
1401 E. Dry Creek Rd., Centennial, CO 80122
303-794-1565  www.sttims.net

The Church of the Holy Redeemer
2552 Williams St., Denver, CO 80205
303-831-8963  www.holyredeemerdenver.org

The Episcopal Church of St. Peter & St. Mary
126 W. 2nd Ave., Denver, CO 80223
303-722-8781  www.stpeterandmary.org