Related Episcopal Institutions

The Episcopal Church

With members in seventeen countries, including the U.S., we strive to love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of every person. For information go to

The Episcopal Church in Colorado

The Front Range Region is one of five regions within the Diocese. Information related to the Diocese as a whole can be found at

The Anglican Communion

Over 85 million members in 44 regional and national member churches around the globe in more than 160 countries. Visit for information.

The Colorado Episcopal Foundation

The church’s catalyst to secure a future vitality; a partnership of program resources and financial leadership guided by a long-term perspective. CEFโ€™s url is

Episcopal Relief & Development

ERD works in partnership with the world-wide Church, ecumenical agencies & local organizations, Episcopal Relief & Development saves lives & strengthens communities. Please visit for information.

The Jubilee Ministries

โ€œFeed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the imprisonedโ€ (Matthew 25:35).

  • St. Benedict Health & Healing Ministry (SBHHM) is a Jubilee Ministry serving the uninsured and underserved in Boulder County, Colorado. SBHHM has recently set up a permanent place of operation within the Sister Carmen Center in Lafayette.
  • 32nd Ave. Jubilee Center is located in Denver, Colorado. The 32nd Ave. Jubilee Center offers after-school educational programs, language training, basic health care & education, emergency assistance, and a community food bank.
  • Brigitโ€™s Bounty Community Resources (BBCR) helps families by providing vegetables that have been grown locally and organically. We’re dedicated to working with children to foster an understanding of where food comes from and other hands on learning through the rewards of gardening. We work with other groups and agencies to allow increased access to fresh vegetables and hands on learning environment.
  • Colorado Haiti Project (CHP) was founded in 1989 to extend aid to the poorest of the poor in Petit Trou de Nippes, about 80 miles west of Port-au-Prince.ย  CHPโ€™s primary mission is with the Episcopal Mission of St. Paulโ€™s, where they work in collaboration with the Priest-in-Charge and a committee of community advisors to help provide education, vocational training, health care, nutrition and clean water within the mission setting.
  • Evergreen Christian Outreach (EChO) has extended a hand to their mountain neighbors for 25 years, offering goods and services to local families in need. In addition to food and clothing, Evergreen Christian Outreach offers short-term assistance and prayer support.
  • Crossroads Ministry of Estes Park provides short-term assistance to low income clients, ongoing services to clients on low fixed incomes, and encourages self-sufficiency of through education. All clients are treated equally regardless of age, race, religious belief, country of origin, disability, or sexual preference.
  • The Grove Neighborhood Network in Greeley is committed to providing both personal and computer-based educational, recreational, and job/life skill opportunities to Island Grove Village and community youth and adults in a safe, supportive and welcoming environment.