The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker

Canon for Formation & Pastoral Care
303-837-1173 ext. 2013
Direct: 720-677-9010
Pronouns: He/Him/His

Greg is responsible for providing resources and implementing ministries and programs that effectively equip church leaders for the work of evangelism, faith formation, and discipleship for people of all ages.

Greg Foraker serves as Canon for Formation and Pastoral Care for the Episcopal Church in Colorado. Working with the Formation Team in the Office of the Bishop, Greg is responsible for providing resources and implementing ministries and programs that equip church leaders for the work of faith formation, discipleship, and spiritual growth for people of all ages. Since 2020, Gregโ€™s team has created numerous innovative and popular hybrid spiritual formation offerings, gathering spiritual seekers online from their own homes during the time of pandemic. A spiritual director, teacher, and pilgrim, Greg has taught numerous courses in the art of spiritual direction for nearly 20 years. Greg has a passion for spiritual pilgrimage and has led pilgrimages to Israel, Canterbury, Taizรฉ, Chartres, Lindisfarne, Iona, and the Caminos de Santiago.