Office of the Bishop Staff

Topic Contact
501(c)3 non-profit tax-exempt status Pam Greenfield
Accessibility for Churches / Disability Access The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Address changes (including email addresses) Missioner Tracy Methe
Administration, Parish Dianne Draper
Advocacy & Social Justice The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Archives, Diocesan Pam Greenfield
Audits Pam Greenfield
Baptisms and Confirmations Missioner Elizabeth Cervasio, Missioner Tracy Methe, or the Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Background Checks Missioner Tracy Methe
Bequests Colorado Episcopal Foundation
Board of Examining Chaplains (BOEC) Dianne Draper
Branding – identity, branding, images Canon Mike Orr
Budget of Diocese Pam Greenfield
Bylaws, model parish The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Canonical residency (and letters dimissory) Kirsten Manica
Canons (The Episcopal Church in Colorado) The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Canons (The Episcopal Church) The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Cathedral Ridge The Rev. John Hill
Campus Ministry Missioner Elizabeth Cervasio
Children’s Formation/Ministry Resources Missioner Elizabeth Cervasio
Church Management Software Missioner Tracy Methe
Clergy Conference Janet Choyce
Clergy disciplinary process The Rev. Christy Shain-Hendricks & The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Clergy formation and wellness The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Clergy pension Dianne Draper
Clergy salaries The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Clergy tax Dianne Draper
Clericus meetings The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Climate Change: Honoring & Protecting Creation The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Colorado Episcopalian Quarterly Magazine Canon Mike Orr
Commission on Ministry Dianne Draper
Communication strategy Canon Mike Orr
Confirmations Kirsten Manica
Confirmations (Regional) Regional Missioners / Regional Administrators
Congregational Development The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass
Convention, Annual (The Episcopal Church in Colorado) Janet Choyce
Convention, General (The Episcopal Church) Kirsten Manica
Cycle of Prayer Canon Mike Orr
Database, The Episcopal Church in Colorado Missioner Tracy Methe
Deacons Kirsten Manica & Linda Brown
Death notices Kirsten Manica
Development, Stewardship, & Financial Coaching Canon Mike Orr
Diocesan properties The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Disaster response planning Canon Mike Orr
Donations & Bequests Colorado Episcopal Foundation
Education for Ministry Cheri Winter
eNewsletters (Diocesan Digest, clergy eNews) Canon Mike Orr
Environmental advocacy Missioner Tracy Methe
Eucharistic visitor licensing Missioner Tracy Methe
Evangelism training The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Event Planning Janet Choyce
Event Registrations Janet Choyce
Faith Formation Resources Tracy Methe or The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Finances, parish Pam Greenfield
Formation, lay & ordained leadership Tracy Methe or The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Front Range Region Bal Patterson
Godly Play Missioner Tracy Methe
Grants, regional Canon Mike Orr
Grants, United Thank Offering Karin Elsen
High Plains Region The Rev. Brian Winter
History of the Episcopal Church in Colorado Canon Mike Orr
Human Resources Dianne Draper
Hybrid Formation The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Identity mark/logo for the Episcopal Church in Colorado Canon Mike Orr
Insurance – dental, medical Dianne Draper
Insurance – property Pam Greenfield
Jubilee Ministries The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Latino Ministries The Rev. Missioner Quirino Cornejo
Lay Leadership Training Missioner Tracy Methe
Legacy, planned giving, or capital campaign resources Colorado Episcopal Foundation
Letters of Agreement (clergy) The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass
LGBTQIA Diversity: Welcoming & Inclusion The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Licensing information for clergy Dianne Draper
Marriage judgments Dianne Draper
Media relations Canon Mike Orr
Mutual ministry reviews The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass and The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Newly Called Clergy The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass
Northwest Region The Rev. Wendy Huber
Notification of clergy intention to retire The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass
Ordination process (diaconate & priesthood) Dianne Draper
Parochial reports Kirsten Manica
Pastoral Care for Clergy The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Personnel policies Dianne Draper
Photo/image policies Canon Mike Orr
Pilgrimage resources and trips The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Priest-in-Charge overview The Rev. Canon Vanessa Glass
Property damage report The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Property matters The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson
Racial Oppression: Becoming Beloved Community The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Reception into the Episcopal Church Kirsten Manica
Remarriage Application Dianne Draper
Resolutions (for Annual Convention) Janet Choyce
Safe Church/Safeguarding (trainers & training) Missioner Tracy Methe
Sangre de Cristo Region Deborah Lowery
Search process (transition process) The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass
Social media guidelines & policies Canon Mike Orr
Southwest Region The Rev. Teri Shecter
Spiritual direction resources and referrals Spiritual Direction Colorado or the Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Standing Committee Darren Armstrong
Suicide Crisis: Bringing Hope, Preventing Suicide The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker
Summer Camps The Rev. John Hill
Supply clergy Dianne Draper
Taxes, clergy Pam Greenfield
Taxes, property Pam Greenfield
Tax-exempt certificate for parishes Pam Greenfield
TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship), membership Missioner Tracy Methe
Title IV clergy misconduct The Rev. Christy Shain-Hendricks
Transition Process The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass
United Thank Offering (UTO) Karin Elsen
Vestry retreats The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker, Canon Mike Orr, or The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass
Visitations (bishop visitations to parishes) Kirsten Manica
Website, the Episcopal Church in Colorado Canon Mike Orr
Websites, parish Canon Mike Orr
Wellness for clergy and congregational leaders The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass
Youth Formation/Ministry Resources Missioner Elizabeth Cervasio

The Rt. Rev. Kym Lucas


Contact Kym
303-837-1173 ext. 2002

The Rev. Canon Jon Anderson

Canon for Mission & Operations

Contact Jon
303-837-1173 ext. 2003
Direct: 720-677-9003

Elizabeth Cervasio

Missioner for Children, Youth, & Campus Ministry

Contact Elizabeth
303-837-1173 ext. 2031
Direct: 720-677-9018

Janet Choyce

Event Coordinator

Contact Janet
303-837-1173 ext. 2012
Direct: 720-677-9019

The Rev. Quirino Cornejo

Missioner for Multicultural Ministries

Contact Quirino
Direct: 325-227-2139

Dianne Draper

Executive Administrator and Benefits Coordinator

Contact Dianne
303-837-1173 ext. 2004
Direct: 720-677-9004

The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker

Canon for Formation & Pastoral Care

Contact Greg
303-837-1173 ext. 2013
Direct: 720-677-9010

Pam Greenfield


Contact Pam
303-837-1173 ext. 2005
Direct: 720-677-9005

Kirsten Manica

Executive Assistant to the Bishop

Contact Kirsten
303-837-1173 ext. 2002
Direct: 720-677-9002

Tracy Methe

Missioner for Baptismal Living

Contact Tracy
303-837-1173 ext. 2029
Direct: 720-677-9016

Canon Mike Orr

Canon for Communications & Evangelism

Contact Mike
303-837-1173 ext. 2016
Direct: 720-677-9012

Maria Rhine

Accounting Assistant

Contact Maria
303-837-1173 ext. 2017
Direct: 720-677-9017

The Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler Glass

Canon for Transition & Wellness

Contact Vanessa
303-837-1173 ext. 2007
Direct: 720-677-9007

Other Diocesan Leadership

The Rev. Wendy Huber

Northwest Regional Missioner

Contact Wendy

Deborah Lowery

Sangre de Cristo Regional Missioner

Contact Deborah

Bal Patterson

Front Range Regional Missioner

Contact Bal

The Rev. Teri Shecter

Southwest Regional Missioner

Contact Teri

The Rev. Brian Winter

High Plains Regional Missioner

Contact Brian

The Rev. John Hill

Vicar & Executive Director, Cathedral Ridge

Contact John