Community Events & Opportunities
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- Stations of the Cross, Wednesday, April 2, 5:30 pm, at St. Raphael Episcopal Church, 8002 Leta Dr., Colorado Springs. The Stations of the Cross are a devotional practice in Christianity that commemorates Jesus Christ’s journey to his crucifixion, traditionally depicted in 14 images or stations. These stations guide believers through prayer and reflection on Christ’s suffering, death, and ultimate sacrifice. Come walk the journey of Jesus’ passion with us, and join us in prayer and reflection as we meditate on Christ’s sacrifice and find renewed hope in his love. For more information or questions, please email
- Women’s Lenten Retreat, Saturday, April 5, 8:30 am to 2:00 pm, at The Downing House, 3680 S. Downing St, Englewood, CO 80113. Please join us for a celebration of fellowship & freedom as we explore spiritual practices & forgiveness through the Emotional Freedom Technique. Event Flyer > For more information or questions, please contact Molly Freeman at
- High Plains Region Welcome Workshop, April 5, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Centennial. Join the High Plains Region for a day of connection, learning, and fellowship at the Welcome Workshop. The day will begin at 9:00 am and run until 2:00 pm, lunch will be included. The High Plains looks forward to this day together to strengthen our church communities through continued partnership and learning. The High Plains is excited to have Rev. Matt Holcombe joining us to share about: Welcome, Connect, & Belong: Building Capacity for Visitors & Newcomers. Register here:
- Lenten Quiet Day, Saturday, April 5, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 2425 Colorado Ave, Boulder, CO 80302. Attend a Lenten Quiet Day centered on themes of fasting, study, and prayer. Our time together will include structured prayer, teaching, quiet reflection, and fellowship. The quiet day will give space for spiritual renewal with time for silent prayer and meditation, journaling or artistic creation, contemplative walks, and group sharing. For more information and to register:
- “Water is Love” Screening, Tuesday, April 6, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, 7520 South Boulder Road, Boulder, CO 80303. Cool Boulder and St. Ambrose invite you to a free showing of “Water is Love”. Learn more about the ecology of water and projects to preserve it ( Cool Boulder will provide pizza and soft drinks, so plan to eat supper there too if you like! More info and reserve a free spot at the EventBrite link below. Event flyer > Sign up for free at
- Holy Week, Palm Sunday April 13, 10:00 am; Maundy Thursday, April 17, 6:00 pm; Good Friday, April 18, 6:00 pm; & Easter, April 20, 10:00 am, at St Raphael Episcopal Church 802 Leta Dr. Colorado Springs, Co 80911. Easter we will have an Easter Egg hunt and an Easter Pot-luck after church. Come join us. Please email with questions.
- Good Friday Stations of the Cross in Time of War in Gaza, followed by soup supper and Good Friday Liturgy, April 18, 5:00 pm, St John’s Episcopal Church, 329 Fifth Avenue, Ouray, CO 81432. Traditional Stations of the Cross adapted for those suffering in Gaza. Offering for the Diocese of Jerusalem. Please visit for more information.
- Standing on Sacred Ground: A Pilgrimage to Alabama, April 23-27/29, 2025, to Montgomery, Alabama. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Denver is sponsoring a pilgrimage to Alabama to learn about some of the history of race, lynching and civil rights in the United States. The Pilgrimage will be led by Rev. Bonnie S Spencer and Anne Knorr. Please see this link for a brochure and registration. For more information feel free to contact Bonnie or Anne. Pilgrimage Brochure > For questions or more information, please contact Bonnie: or Anne:
- Truth and Repair Pilgrimage to Sand Creek, April 24, 4:00 to 5:30; May 23, 3:00 to 8:30 pm & May 24, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, via Zoom on April 24, and Holiday Inn Express, Lamar, Sand Creek Massacre Historic Site on May 23 & 24. View Event Flyer > For more information, please contact Sarah Hartzell,, or Joe Hubbard,
- God’s Peace – My Peace: Finding Calm in the Chaos Young Adult Retreat, April 25-27, at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp. Calling all young adults! Need a little escape from the stress of your daily life? Retreat to the stunning Sangre de Cristo mountains at Rainbow Trail! Join in for a weekend of relaxation, community, fun camp activities, and uplifting campfire worships. Reconnect with nature, faith, and friends as you recharge in our peaceful mountain haven. Hosted by Gather: Denver an Ecumenical faith community that meets on Monday evenings for sacred conversation and fellowship. Please visit to register. Contact with questions and for scholarship information.
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