Trusts & Endowments

The generosity and stewardship of many Colorado Episcopalians and Episcopal organizations makes funds available to individuals and congregations for many aspects of their formation and ministry.

Through the Trusts and Endowments Committee, the Episcopal Church in Colorado manages several trusts and endowments – each with a specific purpose.  Collectively, these trusts and endowments have more than $200,000 available to distribute each year.  Some grant monies are also available through the Colorado Episcopal Foundation. For more information about the trusts and endowments, and how to apply, contact the Canon to the Ordinary at the Office of the Bishop at 303.837.1173.

Trust and endowment income supports a variety of aspects of ministry in the Episcopal Church in Colorado, from theological education for clergy, to meeting community health needs, to training for specific kinds or ministry.

Clarice C. Bowton Educational Trust

Grace and St. Stephen’s is able to offer scholarships to Colorado seminarians for those entering the Episcopal ministry who by reason of lack of financial means, burdensome family obligations or other financial reasons might not be able to pursue such studies. Candidates must be residents of the State of Colorado for at least two years prior to applying.

Grants will be awarded by a scholarship committee comprised of the Bishop of the Diocese of Colorado, the Senior Warden of Grace and St. Stephen’s and a representative of the estate of Clarice Bowton, who’s gift in 1977 established the scholarship. If you would like more information, please contact the senior warden, Tanya Anderson, of Grace and St. Stephen’s at All applications must be submitted by May 31.

Bowton Educational Trust Application

The Oakes Home Trust

This trust grew out of the work the diocese and All Saints Parish did in the late 1890s to care for patients with tuberculosis. As that disease was controlled through vaccination, the purpose of the trust evolved to provide assistance for community health programs, medically indigent individuals, and wellness programs that promote health and well-being.

Oakes Home Trust Annual Institution Request

Oakes Home Trust Individual Request

The Bonnell Theology Trust

This trust was originally established to support the College of St. John the Evangelist in Greeley.  Once that college was closed, the terms of the trust allow its proceeds to be used to forward theological education in the diocese, at the direction of the Bishop.  The trust’s proceeds provides tuition assistance to clergy and lay leaders who pursue theological education. It can also be used to support diocesan programs, including Clergy Conference, clergy retreats, or other educational programs. Bonnell Trust Application

The Shepard-Holton Trust

This trust is the result of a bequest made by Dora Eddy Shepard, who died in 1937.  It was originally designated for two convalescent homes – one of them for children – that had been operated by the diocese.  Now that those homes no longer exist, grants from the trust are available to diocesan institutions that care for children and the aged. Shepard-Holton Trust Institution Application

The Wolfrum Fund

The Wolfrum Fund was established in memory of The Right Reverend William Wolfrum, Suffragan Bishop of Colorado from 1981 to 1991. During his ordained ministry, Bishop Wolfrum (“Dub”) served churches in Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico and had a particular commitment to serve and support small rural congregations. The Wolfrum Fund is to be used to provide grants to support leadership training for lay or ordained individuals serving small rural congregations in the Episcopal Church in Colorado. To qualify, the congregation’s average Sunday attendance must be 70 or less, and must be located in rural Colorado. Congregations located in the Front Range corridor from Pueblo to Ft. Collins, or on the city of Grand Junction, are excluded. Application