Grants Across the Episcopal Church

Regional Grants, The Episcopal Church in Colorado

Each of the five regions of the Episcopal Church in Colorado offer grants from their annual budgets to support locally owned strategic mission initiatives. The primary focus of Regional Grants is to fund ministries based within the geographic boundaries of that region. Regional Grants are made to parishes, missions, special congregations, diocesan institutions, and ministries sponsored by parishes, missions, special congregations or diocesan institutions. Regional Grants are not made to individuals. Learn More & Apply >

Saint John’s Cathedral Grants

Saint John’s Cathedral invites nonprofit organizations to submit proposals for its 2023 grant funding on or before the deadline of 5:00 pm MT, October 2, 2023. Priorities include mental health, homelessness and housing, food insecurity and hunger, the needs of and advocacy for immigrants and refugees, and criminal justice reform, as well as services provided to the incarcerated or recently incarcerated. The priorities may change from year to year. Completed grant applications must be submitted electronically via e-mail toย  Learn More & Apply >

United Thank Offering Grants

Over the next 3 years, The United Thank Offering, in the spirit of Matthew 25, will focus on areas of ministry that serve those whom society has left out and left behind. Therefore, the UTO grant focus for 2024 will be on โ€œthe strangerโ€ Jesus mentions, offering welcome and inclusivity. This includes funding innovative mission and ministry projects that: welcome people with differences that cause isolation (culture, life experience, disability, mental health, etc.) in new ways that are meaningful and deemed necessary by that community, encourage truth-telling, acknowledge historic trauma, and establish a pathway towards healing. Learn More & Apply >