Preventing Suicidal Crisis

The current realities of the world we live in are adding more and more stress to our lives. It is more important than ever to own the work of bringing hope and preventing suicide. As beloved children of God seeking to love and serve one another, we are called to bring hope to all people and strive for physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing for all. Below you will find information why this time is making things worse, on preventative roots- a way of making sure you are balanced and well in order to prevent suicidal crisis, as well as resources to help navigate a path through suicidal crisis.

Why This Time is Making Things Worse

This video explains how this time of COVID and unrest is adding more stress to mental health and wellness.

Preventative Roots

A deep foundation of roots under the surface supports a strong tree above. Like trees, humans need our own roots to establish us as stable beings, allowing us to weather whatever storms life throws at us. These roots are protective factors that help prevent suicidal crisis.


*How is your Faith root right now?

*When do you feel closest to God?

*When do you feel furthest away? 

*How does your faith keep you strong? 

*What steps can you do to make your faith root deeper?

*How is your family root right now?

*What family member needs your attention right now?

*When does your family feel the strongest?

*How does your family support you?

*What can you do to strengthen your family root?

*How is you’re community root right now?

*Who is in your community?

*How does your community support you?

*What do you do when your community is feeling strained?

*How can you strengthen your community when you are socially distanced?

*How is your relationship root right now?

*What relationships do you hold dearest?

*What relationship needs work?

*What relationship is strong?

*What do you do when your relationships feel strained?

*What can you do now to strengthen your relationships?

*How is your passion root right now?

*What are your passions?

*What makes your heart sing?

*How can you make time for your passions?

*What can you do to make your passions root stronger?

*How is your generosity root right now?

*What do you give away? Time? Service? Talents?

*How can giving back make your stronger?

*What can you do to strengthen your generosity root?

*How is your health root right now?

*What part of your health needs your attention right now, mental, physical, emotional?

*What do you do when you aren’t feeling healthy?

*What can you do to strengthen your health?

*How is your love root right now?

*What do you love?

*How do you show love?

*What makes you feel love? 

*How can you strengthen your love root?

Hope Through Resources

You or someone you know may be thinking about suicide. Please know, there is hope. Below are resources that can spark light in the darkness.