Formation for the Priesthood

Admission to Postulancy for the Priesthood represents the Bishop & Diocese’s affirmation of a call. Therefore, the stages of Postulancy and Candidacy are not primarily focused on discernment of a call, but on responding to that call. The Diocese of Colorado works with Postulants and Candidates to ensure that they are well-prepared and equipped for their ministry and are confident in their call.

The majority of education and formation for the priesthood usually occurs at seminary and with the Board of Examining Chaplains supports and certifies the academic preparation and qualifications of postulants and candidates for the priesthood. They will assign you a liaison to support you in your choice of seminary and during your time there.

The Canons of the Church and the Bishop and Diocese of Colorado have requirements for the time of formation which can be found here. Postulants and Candidates are responsible for ensuring that all paperwork is submitted by the deadline.

If you have any questions, please contact Dianne Draper,  303-837-1173.