Resources for Developing a Resilience Plan

Here are templates which you can draw on and copy. Please review them and choose the one that is right for your congregation and its circumstances

Templates for planning from Episcopal Relief & Development

The templates from Episcopal Relief & Development are intended to cover the range of congregation sizes and circumstances.

Joint Episcopal-Lutheran Templates

The Diocese of Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) have developed templates for small and mid-sized congregations.

We hope that some congregations in rural areas will find that a collaboration between ELCA and Episcopal congregations will be helpful; these templates will help everyone involved in those collaborations to “speak the same language.”

Congregations’ plan documents

Several congregations have kindly agreed to share their preparedness plan or other resources, for which we are very grateful. If you use any of these documents as a template, please be sure to be thorough in making the appropriate changes, or your plan could be confusing to potential users.

Other Resources

There are case studies and examples of plans also at the Episcopal Relief & Development web site, under their US Disaster Program section.

And there are links to a variety of other resources here.

When you are done

When you are done with your plan, we’d love to post it here too!

For additional assistance and information, contact the Disaster Coordinator: Hill Grimmett,