Vision & Strategic Focus

The Office of the Bishop’s purpose is “to serve, support and expand the mission of The Episcopal Church in Colorado;”

The vision for the diocese is “to plant and to cultivate dynamic, imaginative, and transformational Christian communities across Colorado.”

Our four areas of strategic focus:

  1.  Living Missionally at a Grassroots Level—that is, continuing to expand our collective engagement with our missional identity on every level;
  2. Establishing Radical Generosity as a Core Pattern of Life—specifically, considering how we can shift our mindset away from an inordinate preoccupation with institutional maintenance and preservation to one of self-offering and self-emptying, which is the mind of Christ, in the service of God’s kingdom;
  3. Engaging Substantively with the Suffering of the World—that is, bringing greater depth and substance to our witness to the gospel by moving beyond the practice of charity at arms length and living into the transformational embrace of suffering which is what true love demands; and,
  4. Committing Fully to Evangelizing with Young Adults—namely, proclaiming the good news (Love is here. It is who you are!) to a culture and a generation that is in fact searching for a transcendent vision and that does in fact long to know the love that is life.

To read a full discussion of this strategic direction, click here.