How do we embrace the seeker in our midst: the individual who comes to church not quite sure what brought her there, the person who has been away from church but now feels the need to return, the steady parishioner suddenly called to go deeper into his faith? Discover, Embrace, Become is about helping others get at the heart of Christianity–revealing to them the main thing, which is the undiluted, unconditional Love of Christ and the call to share this love with one another.

Watch recording of information session >

A Modern-Day Catechumenate: Discover, Embrace, Become

Discover, Embrace, Become invites seekers into a way of faith-exploration that allows them to:
  • Discover the spiritual truths of our Christian faith.
  • Embrace a new way of being while beginning to understand what it means to be Episcopalian.
  • Prepare spiritually to become knit into the Body of Christ.

The three modules of Discover, Embrace, Become mirror the phases of a traditional catechumenate with a time of inquiry, catechumenate period, and sacred preparation for baptism.

The modules may also be explored individually:

Discover provides a first experience
for seekers.

Embrace invites deeper exploration of faith and the Episcopal Church.

Become provides a deeper baptismal preparation.

It’s Easy to Begin

We provide:
  • Three six-week modules that take seekers from the a time of inquiry (Discover), through the catechumenate period (Embrace), and preparation for baptism (Become). Participants choosing to complete all three modules will celebrate baptism or reaffirmation at Easter Vigil next spring.
  • Weekly five-to-ten-minute videos introducing relevant themes.
  • A process for weekly Bible study (lectio divina) and prayer.
  • Supplemental online resources and discussion boards.
  • Liturgies for the Rite of Welcome and Rite of Enrollment at your church.
  • Training for your mentors and coordinators.
  • Access to online resources and ongoing support from the faith formation team.

On-Site or Online: Two Ways to Participate

There are two ways to offer Discover, Embrace, Become to your congregation:

Did You Know?

In ancient times this work was called catechumenate. Christianity (The Way) was new to the world and the catechumenate was a (three-year!) process for forming people in the faith in a world unfamiliar with Christianity. Since the earliest Christians gathered, seekers came asking questions, searching for meaning and yearning for an experience of the risen Christ in their lives.

We find ourselves in a similar position now, with much of the population either having no personal experience of the Christian faith, or a narrow and perhaps misleading view of Christianity seen through the lens of the media. What is our process for bringing these individuals into the faith in modern times?

Resources for Exploring the Catechumenate

Read the Episcopalian article about Discover, Embrace, Become >

Read Building Faith’s article Re(discovering) the Adult Catechumenate: The Path of Discipleship for an overview of the catechumenate process.

Journey to Baptismal Living is an organization of diverse people (clergy and lay) from diverse denominations (Episcopal, Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian among others) connected through their commitment to the movement of faith through the sacrament of baptism to baptismal living as disciples of Christ. The organization provides training and resources.

Go and Make Disciples: An Invitation to Baptismal Living (book resource)

Come to the Water: Baptism & Our Ministry of Welcoming Seekers & Making Disciples (book resource)